Freight elevators

Safe and reliable solutions suitable for goods and people transportation, with single or multi-column lifting system to ensure stability and resistance.

Our selection of freight elevators

Fimac Lift freight elevators are the ideal choice when forklifts and heavy loads need to be moved between floors. They are perfect for shopping centres, warehouses and factories.

Our selection of freight elevators

Fimac Lift freight elevators are the ideal choice when forklifts and heavy loads need to be moved between floors. They are perfect for shopping centres, warehouses and factories.

Montacarichi industriale e da cantiere con sistema di sollevamento a colonna singola

Work H1

freight elevator

Work H2

freight elevator
Montacarichi industriale e da cantiere con sistema di sollevamento

Work H2 T

Double-column freight elevator
with covering roof
Montacarichi industriale e da cantiere con sistema di sollevamento

Work H4

freight elevator
Catalogo ascensori per auto, montacarichi e parcheggi meccanizzati

See our full catalogue

It’s an up-to-date overview of our wide range of automated parking solutions and freight elevators, where you will easily find everything you need for your parking necessities.
